Studio Metsä Year in Review: 2017

The year 2017 has been one of the most tumultuous of my adult life.

The year of change. 

So let’s review.

It was the first full year of Studio Metsä under the concept of photographing women who don’t believe they’re photogenic.

With that came many amazing people to my life that continue to inspire and challenge me (in the best possible way) to this day. Clients that turned into friends. Clients that have touched my heart and soul with their experiences, wisdom and ways of seeing the world.

It’s safe to say that Studio Metsä has the absolute best, most open, optimistic and heart-warming clients ever!

People who are willing to go deep and open their hearts to someone they’ve just met.
People who trust and embrace the world and its people.
People who take responsibility for themselves, their emotions, well-being and growth.
People who want to work for who they want to be.

I’m honoured and blessed to be able to associate with people like that.

[envira-gallery id="6072"]

This year has at its absolute best been a year of true connection. Connection that goes from heart to heart. Connection that strips us bare, that leaves nothing to hide behind. Connection that brings out our humanity and vulnerability.

Connection like that is rare but it’s what true and real human interactions are made of.

But wherever there’s true and deep connection, there’s also the possibility for experiencing loss as we connect to a place within us that tells us the truth of who we are and what we truly want and need.

In order to grow, we need that connection, those realizations and the pain that may accompany it.

These types of losses teach you to let go. However, I’ve only realized I don’t fully know how to do that.


One of the biggest losses this year has been the passing of my beloved nearly 15-year-old cat. Just looking at the photos I wanted to include here turned me into a wreck. It’s hard to understand and come to terms with.

Some things are not meant to be and it doesn’t matter what I do or who I am, some things will never happen or go the way I’d like them to. And this means, I need to learn how to take a step back and let it go.

It’s generally really hard for me because I don’t like to quit. I’m a problem-solver and it’s difficult for me to accept that there are certain problems that I can’t solve.

So. In the year of 2018, I shall learn how to let go. How? I have absolutely no idea.

But I recently came across this little piece of writing that perfectly summarizes how I hope to grow in 2018:

”I no longer force things.
What flows, flows.
What crashes, crashes.
I only have space and energy for the things that are meant for me.”

But now, a summary of 2017 for Studio Metsä:

Highlights of the Year

YLE PERJANTAI – Interview // Only in Finnish

ME NAISET-magazine photoshoot with five women
(Also in Finnish)

Click below for the full article.

Me Naiset ja Studio Metsä

KD Magazine Interview
(In Finnish)

Click below for the full article.

KD-lehti ja Studio Metsä

  • Started my studies to become a certified Life Coach (Graduation in April 2018)
  • Realized men struggle with the same insecurities as women do and have started the process of expanding my services to include men as well
  • Photographed a man!
  • Created and held an amazing workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark with the incredible Danish Line Bram, a sexologist and Love Coach
  • Travelled to Brussels for an amazing photoshoot
  • Held my first Instagram Live which went so incredibly well, I felt so blessed and grateful!
  • Created a video series about insecurities that begins airing January 2018
  • Expanded the newsletter into twice monthly
  • Was interviewed by Aino-Kuutamo Uusitorppa for her new book Valtavan ihana
  • Created free wallpapers for your phone (”I am enough”, ”I am beautiful”, ”I am inspiring”
  • Photographed only in Finland for the 2018 Wall Calendar
  • Went full-on with video, making videos for clients and some even for social media!
  • Embraced the rapper/hiphop artist that’s been hiding inside of me
  • Held my first-ever Instagram contest
  • And probably much more that I can’t think of right now

So, to all of you who have been a part of Studio Metsä’s journey this year, I THANK YOU.

From the bottom of my heart I say, thank you.

You have been a crucial part of the growth and development of this business.

What I hope and wish for you for 2018 is experiences, adventures and people that test your boundaries, push you a bit further than you’re comfortable going, show you exactly how magnificent you are, and how incredible life is.

I wish you a year full of love.

True and real love.

With love and hugs,

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