Photo Series: The Beauty and The Breast

Of all the messages I got regarding the “I Challenge“- photo series, the one from this woman was the most impactful.

She had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and wanted to document her breast before it went under the knife.

For a moment I didn’t know what to say – all I knew was, I had to and I wanted to do it.

On the day of the photo shoot, I arrived to her house and she opened the door smiling. We had a long conversation over tea before getting to what I actually came there to do. She told me a lot about herself and we shared many experiences, thoughts and emotions with her.

This woman is fantastic. She is so friendly, so open, so strong and she has such a good heart. It was easy being around her and I nearly forgot why I came there in the first place.

Once we started the process of photographing, there was no sadness, there was no awkwardness, it was just her and I conversing, sharing a moment that will forever be marked by the photographs we were producing.

We were creating work that she will carry in her heart forever.

Photo Series: The Beauty and The Breast

Photo series - Portrait of a breast cancer patient by Studio Metsä Photography

She didn’t find a lump in her chest, but instead she was alarmed by the oddity of her breast – it had changed in appearance. The breast felt different, it was resting oddly and she noticed her nipple had turned inward.

Photo series - Portrait of a breast cancer patient by Studio Metsä PhotographyPhoto series - Portrait of a breast cancer patient by Studio Metsä PhotographyPhoto series - Portrait of a breast cancer patient by Studio Metsä Photography

She is going under the knife next week.

And she will come out of it without her left breast.

This will, I’m sure, take a lot of time and emotion to really understand and come to terms with. But I have no doubt in my mind that she wouldn’t come out of this stronger.

Through, and with, these photographs I send her my wishes, my prayers and my thoughts. I’m honoured that she trusted me with such a sensitive and fragile subject matter. She opened her heart to me even though up until we saw each other, I was a complete stranger to her. But it is, in fact, in these moments that we experience life at its best – when we jump into the unknown simply following our hearts. And I am so glad she did so with me.

Photo series - Portrait of a breast cancer patient by Studio Metsä Photography

Until next time lovelies,
xoxo Erika

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