Miia and her life-long adventure

Oh, Miia!

Miia is starting a new adventure in her professional (and personal) life and needed photographs to represent the new her. She connected to my concept of accepting yourself and loving yourself as you are so she contacted me.

I was excited to work with her because it was a bit different from what I normally do. And it seemed from the beginning that Miia and I were on the same page.

I went to do the photoshoot with her in Brussels, where she was located at the time, and we had an amazing time.

We spent a lot of time talking and by the end of it, I had a pretty clear idea of what she was looking for.

Let the adventure begin

Miia Portrait Photography Studio MetsäMiia Portrait Photography Studio Metsä

The day of the photoshoot was glorious. We started off at her beautiful apartment and moved on out into the city.

Something I really appreciated and admired about Miia was her approach to the entire process.

She knew herself, how she usually behaves and what goes through her mind. She knew she needed to control those thoughts and patterns.

Miia knew, being a visual person, that she’d have an urge to control the photoshoot and as those feelings arose, she kept telling herself to let it go. She’d hired me to do the visuals and she had to trust me.

When she told me this after the photoshoot, I never would’ve guessed. And I was beyond impressed that someone could know their own pitfalls and work so diligently to avoid them as they arrive.

When we had the photo reveal, she told me she always wanted to have this elegance about her, but didn’t think she did.

Until she saw the photographs.

It was so interesting because that elegance was one of the first things I noticed about her, even before we met. It’s always been in her, without her even realising it.

In addition to that, Miia had also never considered herself to be beautiful.

Something that also came as a surprise to me.

I mean look at this woman!

Beautiful and elegant Miia

Miia Portrait Photography Studio MetsäMiia Portrait Photography Studio Metsä Miia Portrait Photography Studio MetsäMiia Portrait Photography Studio MetsäMiia Portrait Photography Studio Metsä Miia Portrait Photography Studio MetsäMiia Portrait Photography Studio MetsäMiia Portrait Photography Studio Metsä

You can follow her journey through

Thanks for finding me, Miia, and for giving us a chance to meet and become friends! It’s been an absolute pleasure to get to know you.

I look forward to seeing where this adventure leads you!

With so many hugs,

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